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Christians study the Scripture for a variety of reasons.  At Arise Bible Academy we will cater for everyone because we know the Holy Spirit is able to meet every believer individually. Come to simply sit and listen and allow the teaching to encourage and excite you. Come to listen and find answers and solutions to personal or life’s problems. Come to understand how it all fits together, so with pen and paper or device at the ready come eagerly to make notes but remember God has his own agenda.  He is drawing all who turn to the Scriptures to himself.  To discover his ways, to know his eternal love and receive secrets from his heart that only those who seek him find.

At Arise Bible Academy our desire is to see his people come to the Word and learn of him. We would love you to join us in person if you live in the Hastings area but if not you can also study with us online simply grab a cuppa, select a module, download the notes and listen as Philip Edwards takes you on a journey through the scripture. 

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